Moving to a Feeding A Fresh Raw Food Diet Pro Tips:

Beginning to take the steps to move your dog to eating a less processed whole food fresh raw diet can be daunting but starting with a plan can make it a little easier.  Our teams are always ready to help you but in the meantime here are some of our Pro Tips in feeding a fresh raw food diet.  For more information about feeding a raw food diet - check out more information here!  

  • Be Positive – dogs and cats can sense any of your apprehension or skepticism you may be feeling about feeding a raw diet
  • The longer the pet has been on a dry processed kibble diet the longer the transition might take
  • While variety is the key to outstanding health when feeding a fresh, raw meat-based diet, it’s best to start with one type of meat during the transition
  • It might be beneficial for your pet to replacing some of their dog treats with fresh, raw meat in order to stimulate drive for the food and see how they do eating more fresh, raw foods.
  • Fast your dog the night before beginning the transition. Your dog will have greater interest in the new food the next morning and it also gives their digestive system a time to rest.
  • Limit treats during the transition in order to increase your dog’s appetite for its meals.
  • Always provide plenty of fresh, clean water.